
Hi. My name is Helen and i went to Sonia for advice about my strong dog pulling too hard.I never thought to stop using the harness because sometimes they do help, but i was shown that my dog was pulling his whole weight through the harness. I began using a half choker which is totally safe on his neck and i notice a difference for the better immediately.Thanks sonia.xxx
From Helen of Erdington birmingham.
Hi.  My name's Gary and i went to Sonia for food advice as my dog stopped eating his regular food while he was poorly, she looked up some safe foods that i did not even think of as being allowed to eat  and it worked a treat. I had moulting advice too, worked like a charm.He hardly moults now son.Cheers girl.x from Castle vale.
Thanks Sonia for looking after my baby girl Tia.You did wonders whilst looking after her.Oh god bless you and you can come and see her any time you like, you don,t need an appointment. we love you xxxxxxx sue
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